Sunday, May 08, 2022

Clones of Lord Haw Haw.

"Putin's foreign military successes around the world after 2008 were all achieved by using small units of elite forces, mercenaries and local militia groups alongside Russian air power," BBC. "This war (Ukraine) is one that Russia cannot win in any meaningful sense." "The western powers will keep supplying weapons and money to Kyiv", and "Once Europe's energy dependency on it is greatly lessened, Russia has so little that Europe really needs, the US and Europe will be able to leave crippling sanctions in place with small cost to their economies." The US and NATO could be running short of weapons to supply Ukraine, NBC. "A US Senate committee...passed a bill that could expose the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its partners -- most prominently Russia -- to lawsuits for collusion is boosting oil prices," which would "strip national oil companies from sovereign immunity that has protected them from lawsuits for decades," CNN. Does the US really want to go down that road? The power of the US comes from the dollar as the world's reserve currency which comes from the petrodollar. "Foreign oil exporters' reliance on the US dollar as the principal means of exchange and store of value reflected the dollar's established role as the global reserve currency, which continues without serious challenge to this day," Investopedia. "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is considering future deals where China could purchase oil from the country using the yuan, instead of the dollar," CNBC. Having lost the first phase of the war, "CIA Director William Burns said...that President Vladimir Putin could 'double down' on harsh tactics to boost his army's flagging momentum", CBS. "For Russian President Vladimir Putin the search is on for saving face," BBC. "For President Putin, all that counts now is that he can declare victory." The New York Post reported that Putin is going to undergo an operation for bowel cancer and is also suffering from Parkinson's Disease, NDTV. Seems like all of western media has been taken over by clones of Lord Haw Haw, wikipedia. "China will face consequences if it helps Russia evade sanctions in its invasion of Ukraine, the US says," BBC. "Unnamed US officials told multiple news outlets that China had signalled willingness to provide military assistance to Ukraine." But, China is already shut down due to its zero covid policy. "In China, ships awaiting berth at the Port of Shanghai now tally 344, a 34% increase over the past month," ET. Chinese people are angry with restrictions. But, "Chinese President Xi Jinping issued the strongest warning yet against anyone who questions the country's zero-covid policy," NDTV. Which is extremely odd considering that Xi Jinping wants to be elected for a third term at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party later this year, BS. The West is threatening every country in the world. The rest are carrying on regardless. As if it is in another dimension. 

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