Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Chances of falling on his flat face.

 "Major European countries, including Italy and Sweden, are pushing back against China's attempts at controlling economies and gaining a strategic foothold in the continent." "Italy had been gradually shifting towards China after its previous government joined the BRI infrastructure project in March 2019." BRI is the Belt and Road Initiative, also called One Belt One Road or OBOR, which is a gigantic infrastructure project conjured up by President Xi Jinping, which aims to link China with over 70 countries. However, there are concerns that, as China's economic growth slows, this is mainly being used to create jobs for Chinese labor, dump excess production of steel and cement and to gain control of other nations by trapping them in debt that they cannot repay. Italy tried to show its love for Chinese by hugging them. "In an attempt to curb racism against Chinese and 'Asian looking' the Mayor of Florence in February launched 'hug a Chinese' campaign." This fear of being called racist paralyzed Italian authorities, resulting in a spread of the coronavirus with consequent large number of deaths. "Sweden has banned telecoms equipment from Huawei and Zte 000063.SZ in its 5G network, joining other European nations that have restricted the role of Chinese suppliers on security grounds." In an instant retaliation, "The Chinese foreign ministry warned Sweden that it should revoke its ban on Huawei Technologies to avoid hurting prospects for Swedish companies." A report by the Defense of Democracies says that "China now sees Germany, and with it the rest of Europe, as the key battleground in its path to global supremacy". "China is closing in on the US as the most powerful country influencing the Asia-Pacific, as America's handling of the Covid-19 pandemic tarnishes its reputation, a study showed." "China has taken a sudden turn towards 'gross aggression' against its neighbors, including India, and in the Indo-Pacific, a senior administration official said after the conclusion of the Quad ministerial in Tokyo, wherein the leaders vowed to coordinate in ensuring peace and stability of the strategically vital region." "The challenge for the Indo-Pacific is getting more acute by the day," wrote Prof Harsh V Pant. "But it is India that is the critical anchor in making the idea of Indo-Pacific a viable strategic geography." "No other country has done more than India in making the regional stakeholders believe that there is an alternative to just acquiescing to a China-led Asian order." "China's gross domestic product (GDP) rose 4.9% year-on-year last quarter", but "Too much has depended on state-driven industrial activity, credit-fuelled land sales, and a construction binge." The Chinese have accepted Xi as their emperor, but the rest of the world is refusing. The more force he uses the more will be the resistance. Every chance of falling flat on his face. We hope.        

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