Monday, April 29, 2024

With both hands.

US inflation rate of 2.7% in March, up from 2.5% in February, may prompt the US Federal Reserve to keep policy rates 'higher-for-longer'. Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) index rose by 0.3% to 2.7% in a year to March, from 2.5% in February. Reuters. But, the consumer price index (CPI) rose by 3.5% in a year to March compared to 3.2% in February. "The all items less food and energy index (core CPI) rose 3.8% over the last 12 months." "India's central bank faces a somewhat similar conundrum". Mint. In an emergency meeting in May 2022, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) increased policy rates by 40 basis points, from 4% to 4.40%. This was the first increase since 1 August 2018. ET. "This disinflationary policy did yield dividends, but only up to a degree, given that Indian inflation right now is primarily a supply-side phenomenon." Mint. Food prices could be affected by adverse weather conditions brought on by the EL Nino phenomenon since June 2023 ( and fuel prices are susceptible to geopolitical events. That is the glib excuse regularly trotted out for not doing anything. CPI inflation in India moderated to 4.85% in March 2024 from 5.09% in February (, still well above the government mandate of 4% for the RBI till March 2026 (ET). As of January 2024, "Petrol tax in India consists of 55% of petrol's retailing price while diesel tax is 50% of the fuel's retail value." "Retail food inflation softened marginally to 8.52% in March, 2024 from 8.66% in the previous month due to a sequential drop in prices of pulses, edible oils and spices, and a high base. The prices of key items like cereals, milk, meat, and vegetables, however, saw a rise on a month-on-month basis." FE. Milk, meat and vegetables are perishable products and are transported by trucks, and trucks run on diesel, while paying 50% tax on every liter of the fuel. This is passed on to consumers. On top of that, vehicles have to pay toll tax every few kilometers. "The bulk of India's toll revenue comes from national highways, rising from Rs 17,759 crore (Rs 177.59 billion) in 2015-16 to Rs 48,028 crore (Rs 480.28 billion) in 2022-23. According to Union minister for road transport Nitin Gadkaru, the government is targeting revenues of Rs 1.3 trillion by 2030 - an average annual growth of 15%." Mint. So, taxes must be contributing a hefty proportion to higher food prices. At the same time, the government is taking credit for dishing out free food grains to 813.5 million people. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret." gotquestions. org. The Indian government is extracting money with one hand and giving alms with the other while trumpeting their generosity for votes. Lies and loot. With both hands.    

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