Monday, June 30, 2014

No world war, just fighting everywhere.

As the centenary of World War I on 28 July approaches pundits are unanimous that a World War III is impossible because globalisation has tied economies together, making us interdependent, and the fear of nuclear weapons creates hesitation in starting a conventional war. This kind of reasoning presumes that world leaders are saintly, unselfish altruists who are not motivated by self interest. The US created Osama Bin Laden by its supply of arms and money to the Afghan Mujahideen. But has it learnt from its stupidity? No. It continues to supply money and arms to the Pakistani army, which masterminded 9/11, it has created an unnecessary flash-point in Ukraine and is now planning to supply arms to ' moderate rebels ' in Syria when ISIS fighters have posted mocking pictures of Michelle Obama asking for their humvees to be returned.  China has enormous wealth and military power but, being uncivilised, does not have the wisdom of building a strong Asia. Instead the Chinese government brutally represses its own people while aggressively claiming territory from its neighbors. Nuclear weapons are no deterrent against a nation of barbarians which will not care how many die. If you use nuclear weapons then you must be prepared to completely wipe out the response capability of the other side. Only the US has such a capability and only the US has used nuclear weapons in the past. Will globalisation stop the US from using such weapons? Probably not. The US is already exporting gas and will now start to export oil products known as ' condensates ' and the dollar is the reserve currency of the world. We know that Americans consider people of other countries as ' collateral damage ', like some sort of garbage, and will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons. The ISIS has declared an Islamic State with Abu Bakr al Baghdadi as the new caliph. It has issued a map of the future Caliphate, spreading from Spain to the whole of India and China. Naturally, to be a real Caliphate they must have control of the 2 Holy Mosques in Makkah and Medina. This has so terrified the Saudi royal family that the King now wants Sunnis to join the government in Baghdad. Just as the US created Al Qaeda so Saudi and Qatar helped to create the monster that is now threatening to devour them. Pakistan has been trying to create Taliban Dobermans which will stay on the leash only to be released against India from time to time. Now they are having to bomb them in north Waziristan. If the holy sites in Najaf and Karbala are threatened Iran will surely attack ISIS. Will the Taliban join up with ISIS to overrun a nuclear weapons silo in Pakistan? It will not be a war of armies but fighting will be everywhere. Will anyone learn?

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