Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Two brothers aged 12 and 10 years are being tried at Sheffield crown court in the UK for having lured two other boys aged 11 and 9 years to a field and then viciously assaulting them. They were robbed of a mobile phone and cash and the older almost died when he was smashed on the head with a portion of a bathroom sink and passed out. The younger boy's ear and eyelids were burnt with cigarettes and his face and genitals were stamped on. This in a country which has transformed itself into a police state. Britain has more CCTV cameras per square foot than any other country in the world, strange laws called Asbo, the largest DNA database, unlimited police powers of stop and search and holding suspects for long periods without charge. The government tried and failed to introduce a compulsory identity card system. Meanwhile in Newark, Delaware in the US a 6 year old boy faces 45 days in reform school for taking a camping item, which serves as knife, fork and spoon, to school. Apparently this violated the zero tolerance policy for carrying weapons into the school. This in a country which worships the Gun God and anyone who upsets the NRA can say goodbye to a political career. US and UK are the most vocal about advising developing countries to limit corruption. Surely the world is going mad.

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