Monday, March 24, 2008

The shame of it. China has applauded India for its stand on the Tibetan crisis. India has reiterated its stand that Tibet is an internal problem for China and has arrested Tibetan exiles living in India so that they are unable to demonstrate in front of the Chinese embassy. This is a country that is still occupying upto 50, 000 squre miles of Indian territory in Kashmir and in the North East Frontier Province. It still claims that Arunachal Pradesh should be handed over to it. It will block any attempt by India to get a seat on the UN Security Council. It denounced the nuclear tests carried out by India while supplying Pakistan at the same time. Its people are like rodents in that they will eat anything that moves, from rats to human fetus. Chinese demand for tiger parts and rhinoceros horns are decimating polpulations of these animals. In short it is hard to imagine a greater enemy for our country. So one would have thought that the government would allow silence to show its displeasure at the genocide taking place in Tibet and allow peaceful protests by the Tibetan refugees. Instead it has sought to muzzle protests and support the murdering Chinese government. After all it was the Congress which refused a Security Council seat and allowed China to get it by default. And it is now in power with the arch traitors, the Communists. What have we done to diserve this lot?

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